For many people, the most challenging part of a weight loss journey is keeping the weight off. Isagenix products are designed to make the transition from weight loss to weight maintenance much easier.

Research shows that, on average, more than 50 percent of people who lose weight will regain most of it within the first year. Less than one third will maintain their weight loss for three years (1, 2). These numbers highlight how difficult it can be to achieve long-term weight loss success, especially without the right tools and support to achieve lasting results.

Isagenix offers science-backed solutions to support both weight loss and long-term weight maintenance. When used as part of a system of Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Isagenix products are effective for supporting weight loss and improving body composition, as demonstrated by the results of several published scientific studies (3-5). More importantly, Isagenix products are shown to offer superior long-term weight maintenance compared to traditional heart-healthy diets, according to the findings of a 15-month-long clinical research study (5).

The results of this long-term study highlight how effective an Isagenix System can be for helping both men and women maintain their weight loss results. This study, along with other scientific research, can offer insights on what strategies are most effective at helping you maintain your weight loss results.  When you’re ready to shift your focus to weight maintenance, following these science-based tips can ease your transition.

1. Practice Protein Pacing

Protein pacing is a strategy that calls for consuming 20 to 40 grams of protein spread evenly across four to six meals per day, and it was one of the key elements in the Isagenix long-term weight maintenance study (5). Consuming protein throughout the day in an amount that your body can use efficiently helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis, stimulate your metabolism, and most importantly, keep you satisfied to help manage appetite (6-8). Isagenix products make it effortless to get high-quality protein in the right amounts throughout your day.

2. Keep Up With Cleanse Days

There are many reasons to keep Cleanse Days as part of your routine after you achieve your weight loss goals, including support for weight maintenance. Participants in the long-term weight maintenance study completed either one or two Cleanse Days per month based on personal preference (5). As you transition to your own maintenance plan, be sure to keep Cleanse Days in your routine and chose the Cleanse Day schedule that works best for you.

3. Don’t Skip Daily Exercise

Exercise is a key factor in long-term weight maintenance. Certainly, exercise is important for helping you lose weight, but research suggests that regular exercise may be even more effective at preventing weight gain. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 35 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day to help prevent weight gain (9).

4. Track Your Progress

Research suggests that regularly weighing yourself and tracking your weight over time can be an effective strategy for weight maintenance (10). Making a habit of stepping on the scale can help you become aware of normal fluctuations and alert you to changes that require your attention. However, there isn’t a single approach that is perfect for every person. Frequent weighing is just one tool that may contribute to successful weight maintenance.

Making the transition from a structured weight loss system to a more flexible, long-term weight maintenance plan can be challenging without the right tools. Isagenix products provide the support you need for success, making it almost effortless to get excellent nutrition and the right amount of high-quality protein throughout your day. Regular Cleanse Days, exercise, and tracking your progress are also useful ways to help maintain weight loss results. Isagenix provides science-backed tools that can help you achieve your goals for successful long-term weight maintenance.


  1. Nicklas JM, Huskey KW, Davis RB, Wee CC. Successful weight loss among obese U.S. adults. Am J Prev Med. 2012 May; 42(5):481-5.
  2. Crawford D, Jeffery RW & French SA. Can anyone successfully control their weight? Findings of a three year community-based study of men and women. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Sep; 24(9):1107-10.
  3. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Bhutani S, Trepanowski JF, Varady KA. Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women. Nutr J. 2012 Nov 21;11:98. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-11-98.
  4. Kroeger CM, Klempel MC, Bhutani S, Trepanowski JF, Tangney CC & Varady KA. Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations. Nutr Metab. 2012 Oct 31; 9(1):98.
  5. Arciero PJ, Edmonds R, He F, Ward E, Gumpricht E, Mohr A, Ormsbee MJ & Astrup A. Protein-Pacing Caloric-Restriction Enhances Body Composition Similarly in Obese Men and Women during Weight Loss and Sustains Efficacy during Long-Term Weight Maintenance. Nutrients 2016, 8(8), 476.
  6. Krieger JW, Sitren HS, Daniels MJ & Langkamp-Henken B. Effects of variation in protein and carbohydrate intake on body mass and composition during energy restriction: a meta-regression. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb; 83(2):260-74.
  7. Crovetti R, Porrini M, Santangelo A & Testolin G. The influence of thermic effect of food on satiety. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1998 Jul; 52(7):482-8.
  8. Phillips SM. A brief review of critical processes in exercise-induced muscular hypertrophy. Sports Med. 2014 May; 44 Suppl 1:S71-7.
  9. Donnelly JE, Blair SN, Jakicic JM, Manore MM, Rankin JW, Smith BK; American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Feb;41(2):459-71. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181949333.
  10. Wilkinson L, Pacanowski CR, Levitsky D. Three-Year Follow-Up of Participants from a Self-Weighing Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Obesity. 2017;2017:4956326. doi:10.1155/2017/4956326.